So on to the Sports Birthday Party....Dallin invited some friends from school and church. As they arrived they each decorated a shirt that was their team jersey for the games. Red Team vs. Blue Team.
Since it was raining we modified all the games to indoor levels. Golf into formula cans, soccer balls into storage bins, baseball bean bag throw, etc. You get the picture. Then we broke for "half time" which was a stadium food lunch. Hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, pretzels, lemonade, and because I just couldn't bring myself to not include some food with nutritional value, I threw on some carrots and dip.
After half time we continued on with the games. At the end we had an awards ceremony for everyone who completed all the games on their score card. Everyone got a medal. YAY!!!
Then everyone had football and baseball cupcakes which I wish we'd taken a picture of because I worked really hard on those....It's all about me you know. All in all everyone seemed to have a good time and Dallin had a great day so that's that.
And then we returned to being sick.... Strep throat anyone????
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